
東京女子大学比較文化研究所所蔵 ちりめん本コレクション



(所蔵数:2024年1月現在 255件)


申請方法に関しては、本研究所(Tel:03-5382-6413, Fax:03-5382-6506)までお問い合わせください。

Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture,
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
Chirimen Crêpe Paper Book Collection

How to use

Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture is currently in the process of digitizing its collection of chirimen crêpe paper books to make it available for online viewing. (As of January 2024, 255 books are available for online viewing).

When viewing the collection for academic purposes such as research, permission from the Institute is not required for viewing images in the database. However, if the database will be used for academic papers or presentations, please clearly cite the material as part of the Institute’s collection.

If the images are to be used for purposes such as a broadcast, facsimile or reproduction printing, or inclusion on a webpage, prior permission from the Institute is required.

For information on obtaining user permission, contact the Institute at:
Fax: 813-5382-6506